Welcome to Indian Transplant Registry
The purpose of National Transplant Registry is to collect transplant related data from various centres in the country and to be able to collate the data from time to time to derive the following information
- The number of transplants done in the country.
- Essential demographic data of Indian Patients undergoing transplants.
- The immunosuppressive regimes used by various centres.
- Short term and long term results of the allograft.
- Complications during management in short term and long term.
- Patient survival after transplants.
- The HLA profile of Indian Patients.
- Number of Living and cadaver transplants.
- Relationship in case of related transplants.
- Profile of Donors
The data will be stored in a secure server and can be accessed by any registered member of ISOT. The information submitted will be treated as highly confidential. So the members will be able to see the data of their hospital. Only collated data will be available for viewing. The site is to be developed in phases and in the first phase data related to kidney and liver transplants will be captured.
If you are doing transplants in India (kidney, heart, liver, pancreas, lungs), you may register on the website with your essential information and a username and password will be sent to you within 24 to 48 hours. The Registry would help in doing a national audit to understand short and long term outcomes in the complicated field of transplants.
Supported By

The Indian Transplant Registry of ISOT is Supported by Astellas Pharma India Pvt. Ltd as public service initiative